************************************************************************** Norton AntiVirus Version 4.0 README.TXT Copyright (c) 1997 Symantec Corporation July 1997 ************************************************************************** Welcome to Norton AntiVirus! This file contains information about Norton AntiVirus. To print this file from the DOS prompt, type COPY README.TXT PRN: and press Enter. General Program Information * NORTON ANTIVIRUS STARTUP FILE ENTRIES * INSTALLING ON COMPUTERS WITH DOS MENUS OR MULTI-BOOT CONFIGURATIONS * WARM BOOT TRAP * "AUTOPROTECT SELF-TEST FAILED" ERROR * FILES STATEMENT IN CONFIG.SYS * EXCLUSIONS * SCANNING ZIP ARCHIVES * SCANNING IN BATCH MODE / UNATTENDED SCANNING * TECHNOTE.TXT * REMOVING NORTON ANTIVIRUS AS A NETSCAPE HELPER APPLICATION * PERFORMANCE ISSUES UNDER NOVELL CLIENT32 ON A NETWORK * RESTORING WITH DOS RESCUE * INCREASING PERFORMANCE WITH ADDITONAL SYSTEM RAM * INSTALLING NORTON ANTIVIRUS 4.0 TO AN EXISTING 3.0 INSTALLATION * RUNNING THE DOS SCANNER WHEN BOOTING WITHOUT STARTUP FILES Compatibility Information * MICROSOFT WINDOWS * WINDOWS SCREEN SAVER AND SCHEDULER * AUTOMATIC PROTECTION AND UPDATING SOFTWARE * AUTOMATIC PROTECTION AND COMPRESSED DRIVES * BYPASS KEYS WITH MEMORY MANAGERS * ACT! FOR WINDOWS 3.x * CLOAKING DRIVERS * NORTON ADMINISTRATOR FOR NETWORKS * INSTALLING FROM AN OS/2 DOS BOX * INSTALLING WITH AFTER DARK VERSION 3 * SYSTEMS WITH DISK MANAGER SOFTWARE * NETX LOADING HIGH * QUARTERDECK'S QUICKBOOT FEATURE ************************************************************************** General Program Information ************************************************************************** ***** NORTON ANTIVIRUS STARTUP FILE ENTRIES ***** This section lists the entries Norton AntiVirus adds to AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, WIN.INI, and SYSTEM.INI by default. The following is added to AUTOEXEC.BAT: PATH C:\NAV;%PATH% The following is added to CONFIG.SYS: DEVICE=C:\NAV\CLOAKING.EXE DEVICE=C:\NAV\NAVTSR.EXE The following is added to WIN.INI: [windows] load=c:\nav\navtsrw.exe [NAV16] BypassRepairWizard=0 RepairWizardDefault=1 AutomaticLiveUpdate=0 The following is added to SYSTEM.INI: device=symevnt.386 ***** INSTALLING ON COMPUTERS WITH MENUING SYSTEMS OR MULTI-BOOT CONFIGURATIONS ***** By default, Norton AntiVirus adds the following line to AUTOEXEC.BAT: PATH C:\NAV;%PATH% Norton AntiVirus also adds the following lines to CONFIG.SYS: DEVICE=C:\NAV\CLOAKING.EXE DEVICE=C:\NAV\NAVTSR.EXE If, when you start up your computer, it displays a menuing system or a menu from which you can select from more than one operating system, in most cases Norton AntiVirus adds the above lines as the last in your startup files. If Norton AntiVirus doesn't load, move the location of these lines earlier in the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files. ***** WARM BOOT TRAP ***** TSRs, device drivers, or programs that trap warm boots (Ctrl+Alt+Del) may override Automatic Protection's ability to check for boot viruses on floppy disks. Likewise, programs that perform a warm boot without Ctrl+Alt+Del will bypass the automatic check for boot viruses. ***** "AUTOPROTECT SELF-TEST FAILED" ERROR ***** Although this error occurs in Windows, it is almost always caused by insufficient free conventional memory. You need at least 475K of conventional memory available before starting Windows. To check the amount of conventional memory available, type "MEM /C" at a DOS prompt before starting Windows. The value reported for "largest executable program size" must be greater than 475K. ***** FILES STATEMENT IN CONFIG.SYS ***** Norton AntiVirus requires that FILES be set to at least 25 in your CONFIG.SYS file. ***** EXCLUSIONS ***** Norton AntiVirus scans for files with .XL?, .DOC, and .DOT extensions. However, these extensions are excluded from unknown virus scanning and inoculation detection because they are subject to frequent changes. ***** SCANNING ZIP ARCHIVES ***** The following limitations exist when scanning ZIP archives: * Password protected files in a ZIP archive (stored with the PKZIP -s option) are not scanned. * Norton AntiVirus for DOS cannot scan ZIP archives with more than about 1,000 files; the exact number of files depends on the amount of available memory. ***** AUTOMATIC PROTECTION AND MEMORY OPTIMIZATION ***** The automatic protection TSR does not require memory optimization to use UMBs efficiently. If you are planning to optimize memory, we recommend doing so before installing Norton AntiVirus. If Norton AntiVirus is already installed, remove automatic protection from CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT and reboot before running the optimization program. Once the memory optimization is complete, add the command to load automatic protection back to the appropriate file and reboot. ***** SCANNING IN BATCH MODE / UNATTENDED SCANNING ***** If you want to run Norton AntiVirus unattended so that it doesn't pause when alert boxes appear, use the following procedure: To customize Norton AntiVirus to run in batch mode: 1) Select one of the following options from the "When a Virus is Found" drop-down list box in the Options - Scanner Settings dialog box: "Notify Only," "Repair Automatically," or "Delete Automatically." 2) Check the "Immediate Notify" check box in the Scanner Advanced Settings dialog box. 3) Check the "Remove Alert Dialog After" check box in the Options - Alerts Settings dialog box, then enter 1 in the "Seconds" text box. NOTE: For more information on these options, see "Customizing Virus Checking" in the User's Guide. For information on using command-line switches, see the "Using Command-Line Switches" appendix in the User's Guide. ***** TECHNOTE.TXT ***** This text file contains information about viruses that cause unique problems and require special handling. ***** REMOVING NORTON ANTIVIRUS AS A NETSCAPE HELPER APPLICATION ***** To remove Norton AntiVirus as a Netscape helper application, run Netscape and select Options and then General Preferences from the menu bar. Click on the Helpers tab. For each File Type where NAVW is the Action, either click the Browse button to select another application to be the helper application or select the radial button "Unknown: Prompt User" to be prompted for an action when downloading a file of this type. ***** PERFORMANCE ISSUES UNDER NOVELL CLIENT32 ON A NETWORK ***** If you are experiencing extreme performance degredation while using the Windows TSR over a network while using Novell's Client32 software make the following change to your WIN.INI file: [NAV16] OpenShared=0 ***** RESTORING WITH DOS RESCUE ***** When you restore with the DOS Rescue program, it may warn you that the info probably wasn't saved on this computer. This is due to a memory manager being present at the time you created the disks. You may ignore this warning. ***** INCREASING PERFORMANCE WITH ADDITONAL SYSTEM RAM ***** The minimum RAM requirement for Norton AntiVirus version 4.0 is 4 megabytes. We recommend that you have at least 8 megabytes for faster, smoother performance. ***** INSTALLING NORTON ANTIVIRUS 4.0 TO AN EXISTING 3.0 INSTALLATION ***** We recommend installing Norton AntiVirus to the same directory as your 3.0 installation. This will facilitate the reuse of your existing startup file directives. ************************************************************************** Compatibility Information ************************************************************************** ***** MICROSOFT WINDOWS ***** If you are prompted to inoculate a file while windows is loading and your computer subsequently "hangs," type the following command at the DOS prompt to inoculate the windows files: C:\NAV\NAV /REFRESH C:\WINDOWS /S If Norton AntiVirus is not installed in C:\NAV or Windows is not installed in C:\WINDOWS, substitute the appropriate path. After inoculating the windows files you can then load Windows. ***** WINDOWS SCREEN SAVER AND SCHEDULER ***** If your screen saver is not activating with Scheduler loaded, select "Hide When Iconized" from the Scheduler Options menu. If you don't want to hide the Scheduler icon, add the following statement to the [Scheduler] section in the SCHEDULE.INI file: ICONTIME=0 The SCHEDULE.INI file is located in your Windows directory. ***** AUTOMATIC PROTECTION AND UPDATING SOFTWARE ***** If you have configured Norton AntiVirus to detect unknown viruses using the Virus Sensor Technology feature, you may get unknown virus alerts when installing or updating software. This does not necessarily mean the file is infected with an unknown virus. The installation process may be overwriting existing files or expanding compressed files, which may trigger an alert. ***** AUTOMATIC PROTECTION AND COMPRESSED DRIVES ***** If you install Norton AntiVirus on a compressed drive and subsequently get the error message "NAVOPTS.DAT file not found, default settings loaded," install automatic protection as a TSR. For instructions, see "Using Automatic Protection as a TSR" in the User's Guide. ***** BYPASS KEYS WITH MEMORY MANAGERS ***** By default, pressing both ALT keys will bypass the loading of the Auto-Protect feature of Norton AntiVirus. The memory managers, QEMM and 386MAX, also use both ALT keys to bypass their loading. If you are using either of these memory managers, you may wish to modify the bypass keys used by Norton AntiVirus. For instructions, see your User's Guide. ***** ACT! FOR WINDOWS 3.X ***** If you are using ACT! for Windows 3.x that includes WIN32s, you will need to add the following entry to WIN.INI: [NAV16] ExcludeFirst=1 ***** CLOAKING DRIVERS ***** Norton AntiVirus does not check for additional cloaking drivers. ***** NORTON ADMINISTRATOR FOR NETWORKS ***** If you are using the License Metering feature of Norton Administrator for Networks, turn off the "Use UNC Path Names" option in the License Metering Configuration screen. This ensures maximum compatibility with Norton AntiVirus. ***** INSTALLING FROM AN OS/2 DOS BOX ***** Norton AntiVirus will not install properly from within an OS/2 DOS box. To properly install in an OS/2 DOS box, run "INSTALL /NOMTC" for "No Multitasking Check". This will bypass the Norton AntiVirus attempt to check for a multitasking environment. ***** INSTALLING WITH AFTER DARK VERSION 3 ***** If you experience problems with the Windows TSR in conjunction with the After Dark 3 screen saver, you may turn off the startup memory scanning in the Windows TSR to avoid any problems. You may scan memory prior to starting Windows with the DOS TSR and the use of the alternative options switch (/OPTS). Please see your documentation for more details on the use of this command line parameter. ***** RUNNING THE DOS SCANNER WHEN BOOTING WITHOUT STARTUP FILES ***** The DOS scanner on certain 386 and early 486 machines may have problems running when you boot up without a CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT file. You can eliminate these problems by booting up with DEVICE=HIMEM.SYS in the CONFIG.SYS or by typing in "SET DOS16M=0" (without the quotes) at the DOS prompt prior to running the DOS scanner. ***** SYSTEMS WITH DISK MANAGER SOFTWARE ***** On a system that needs disk manager software to access large hard drives, you must use a bootable disk made with the disk manager software before running the RESCUE.EXE program. If you need to run the RESCUE.EXE program to restore your hard drive, first boot from the disk made with the disk manager software, then put in the Norton Rescue Boot disk made from the DOS or Windows Rescue program and run RESCUE.EXE. Do not boot directory to the Norton Rescue Boot Disk in this case to restore your system or you could cause damage to your system files. ***** NETX LOADING HIGH ***** Under certain circumstances, if the NETX network driver is loaded high after the TSR is loaded, the network alerting in the DOS TSR may not work correctly. If you experience this problem, you can type in NAVTSR /NR+ to reinstate the network alerting. ***** QUARTERDECK'S QUICKBOOT FEATURE ***** Please note that Quickboot bypasses the system memory scanning and this causes the warm boot floppy scanning to be skipped. ************************************************************************** End of README.TXT File **************************************************************************